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How users need computing power to benefit from AI



Today's IT workers are interested in generative AI and its possible advantages, but obtaining the required processing power is one of their main obstacles. Microsoft recently conducted a study in which it polled over 2,000 IT experts in ten different countries regarding their adoption and tech preparedness for AI. The research, which is currently accessible to assist in guiding your company's AI strategy, illustrates their worries and difficulties encountered along the route.

Leverage the use of AI Adoption#

With 79% of professionals utilizing AI multiple times a week, IT professionals are leading the way in its adoption and application. They are certain that AI will benefit their business and function, simplify their work, and allow them to be more strategically minded. The good vibes extend to both personal and professional domains.

Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace#

A survey of IT experts revealed that 68% of them had already used AI in their job, demonstrating how eager the industry is to adopt this cutting-edge technology. This widespread use of AI is more than simply a fad; it's a reflection of the strategic value placed on the technology as a means of boosting output, spurring innovation, and preserving competitive advantage in a digital economy that is changing quickly.

AI in daily life#

With 66% of respondents integrating AI into their daily routines, the impact of AI is not limited to the workplace. This personal use of AI highlights the technology's adaptability and ability to enhance productivity and decision-making across a range of domains. It demonstrates that individuals are not being sucked into the newest IT fad and are eager to discover new applications outside of the workplace to boost their own productivity.

Re-evaluating their needs for their tech stack#

Numerous facets of cloud computing are already shifting due to the development of AI. When it comes to their long-term cloud strategy, even businesses that got their start on the cloud have questions. Even if AI is altering the way that IT professionals see the cloud, they are more and more pointing out that the infrastructure they support needs to be modified. According to 72% of respondents, AI will significantly alter their tech stacks.

Proactively addressing uncertainties and changes that effect cloud computing is essential, especially with the incorporation of AI and a shifting tech stack. This entails managing the changing skill requirements for AI-driven jobs, adjusting to new security paradigms, and maximizing cloud resources in the face of constantly shifting workload patterns. IT workers will also need to make sure that they are in compliance with new laws in order to successfully negotiate the changing environment of cloud services that are optimized for AI.

Increasing the trust in AI#

IT workers are dealing with a range of feelings and concerns about the future as the industry quickly changes as a result of AI's inclusion. While most people are optimistic about AI's ability to boost creativity and productivity, IT professionals are also aware of the rapid progress of technology and the skills needed to use it.

IT workers are assured of their abilities and the benefits AI can have for their positions and companies. AI is either installed or in the pilot stage within the organizations of a noteworthy 78% of IT professionals questioned, demonstrating a strong trend towards the adoption of AI technologies. But this quick adoption also raises new issues and concerns about the cost, governance, and rate of advancement of AI.

Seeking greater security, privacy, and accuracy from AI models#

When choosing a technology partner, IT workers are putting security, privacy, and accuracy of AI models first. The highest ranking factors are accuracy of AI models, a solid reputation as a pioneer in technology, and a dedication to privacy and security.

As always, accuracy is the key to success.#

The march towards the integration of AI in IT is characterized by a rigorous pursuit of accuracy and a barrier of security and privacy. The highest level of AI model correctness can be guaranteed and the use of AI can be accelerated through alliances with the proper partners. Since accuracy serves as the cornerstone for dependable and successful AI solutions, it is crucial. Using partners can fill in some of the gaps and speed up the process for companies looking to integrate AI as soon as possible without compromising quality, since IT personnel continue to struggle with skilling up in a shorter amount of time.

A dedication to security and privacy#

IT workers expect a strong dedication to security and privacy above everything else. A crucial factor is a technology partner's capacity to safeguard sensitive data in an age where data breaches are all too regular. Strong security controls are not simply a feature, but a requirement for IT workers to ensure that AI solutions improve operations rather than put them in jeopardy.


To effectively profit from AI, many firms will need to make major infrastructure and technology improvements. You may observe firsthand how to construct infrastructure that has the processing power required to support all of your workloads and AI solutions, regardless of whether you're a CEO, developer, end user, or someone who works closely with the infrastructure.