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Your Machine Learning Models Can Be Improved in 7 Ways



During the testing stages, are you having trouble getting the model to perform better? For whatever reason, the model performs horribly in production, no matter how much you tweak it. You're in the right place if you're having issues similar to these.

This blog offers seven suggestions for improving the accuracy and stability of your model. You may be certain that your model will perform better even on unseen data if you adhere to these suggestions.

1. Data Cleaning#

The most crucial step is to clean the data. Missing values must be filled in, outliers must be dealt with, data must be standardized, and data validity must be guaranteed. Occasionally, using a Python script to clean doesn't actually work. To make sure there are no problems, you need to examine each sample individually. Although it will require a significant amount of your time, I assure you that data cleansing is the most crucial component of the machine learning ecosystem.

2. Include More Data#

A larger data set frequently results in better model performance. The model can learn more patterns and improve its prediction skills by including more diverse and pertinent data in the training set. Your model might perform well in the majority class but poorly in the minority class if it isn't diverse.

Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) are being used by many data scientists to create more diversified datasets. They accomplish this by utilizing the GAN model to create a synthetic dataset after training it on real data.

3. Engineering features#

In feature engineering, extraneous features that don't add anything to the model's decision-making process are eliminated and new features are created from the data that already exists. This gives the model more pertinent data with which to forecast.

Determine which aspects are crucial to the decision-making process by doing a feature importance analysis and a SHAP analysis. Subsequently, they can be employed to generate novel characteristics and eliminate superfluous ones from the dataset. A detailed grasp of each feature and the business use case is necessary for this procedure. You will be going down the road blindly if you don't know the characteristics and how they are beneficial to the company.

4. Comparative Evaluation#

By evaluating a model's performance over several data subsets, a process known as cross-validation can lower the likelihood of overfitting and produce a more accurate estimate of the model's capacity for generalization. This will tell you whether or not your model is sufficiently stable.

Finding the accuracy over the whole testing set might not provide you all the details you need to understand how well your model is performing. As an example, the testing set's first fifth may exhibit 100% accuracy, whereas the second fifth may do poorly, displaying only 50% accuracy. The overall accuracy may still be approximately 85% in spite of this. This disparity suggests that the model needs more clean, varied data for retraining because it is unstable.

Therefore, I suggest utilizing cross-validation and feeding it with the several metrics you wish to evaluate the model on, as opposed to carrying out a straightforward model evaluation.

5. Optimization of Hyperparameters#

Although training the model with the default settings may appear quick and easy, you are usually not getting the best performance out of your model. It is strongly advised that you undertake extensive hyperparameter optimization on machine learning algorithms in order to improve your model's performance during testing. You should then preserve those parameters so that you can use them for training or retraining your models in the future.

To maximize model performance, external configurations are adjusted through hyperparameter tuning. Enhancing the accuracy and dependability of the model requires striking the correct balance between overfitting and underfitting. In the realm of machine learning, it can occasionally increase the model's accuracy from 85% to 92%, which is highly important.

6. Play Around with Various Algorithms#

To determine which model best fits the provided data, selecting a model and experimenting with different techniques are essential. Don't limit yourself to using tabular data and simple algorithms alone. Consider neural networks if your data contains 10,000 samples and several features. Even logistic regression can occasionally produce remarkable text classification outcomes that deep learning models like LSTM are unable to match.

To get even higher performance, start with basic algorithms and gradually experiment with more complex ones.

7. Comparing#

Several models are combined in ensemble learning to enhance overall predicting performance. More precise and reliable models can be created by assembling a group of models, each with unique strengths.

We can notice the performance has increased significantly after assembling the models. Your overall accuracy will rise if you merge underperforming models with a set of performing models instead of discarding the underperforming ones.

Even on unseen datasets, the three best methods for excelling in competitions and attaining high performance have been assembling, feature engineering, and dataset cleaning.


There are other hints that are specific to particular domains of machine learning. For example, in computer vision, we must prioritize model design, preprocessing methods, transfer learning, and picture augmentation. Nevertheless, the seven recommendations covered above are helpful and broadly relevant for all machine learning models. You may greatly improve your predictive models' accuracy, dependability, and robustness by putting these tactics into practice. This will provide you with greater insights and help you make better decisions.

Top AI Trends For 2024



Usually, contemplation on the past is prompted near the end of the year. However, because we're a forward-thinking company, we're going to use this time to consider the future.

Over the past few months, we've written a lot about how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming contact centers, customer service, and other industries. There will undoubtedly be even more significant developments in the future, but the forerunners in this industry never stand still.

Larger (and Better) Generative AI Models#

The most straightforward tendency is probably that generative models will only get larger. We already know that larger language models after all, the moniker implies that they have billions of internal parameters. However, there's no reason to think that the research teams using these models won't be able to keep bringing them up to speed.

It would be simple to brush this off as nonsense if you are unfamiliar with the advancements in artificial intelligence. Why should we be concerned about larger language models when we don't get excited when Microsoft delivers a new operating system with an unprecedented number of lines of code?

Larger language models typically translate into higher performance, in a manner that isn't true for traditional programming, for unknown reasons, or both. While writing ten times as much Python does not ensure a better application (in fact, the likelihood of a better application is higher), training a ten times larger model is likely to yield better results.

This is deeper than it initially appears. I would have thought that we had achieved significant advancements in cognitive psychology, natural language processing, and epistemology if you had shown me ChatGPT fifteen years earlier. However, it turns out that you can just construct enormous models and feed them unfathomably large volumes of textual data, and voil脿, an artifact that can translate across languages and respond to queries.

Additional Types of Generative Models#

Although it is not specific to text production, the fundamental method for creating generative models works well in that field.

Three well-known image-generation models are DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion. Even if these models occasionally still have difficulty with aspects like perspective, faces, and the number of fingers on a human hand, they are nevertheless able to produce work that is quite astounding.

We anticipate that as these image-generation models advance, they will be utilized anywhere images are utilized, which is, you undoubtedly already know, quite a few places. All kinds of media are fair game, including YouTube thumbnails, office building murals, dynamically formed pictures in games or music videos, illustrations in books or scientific papers, and even design concepts for consumer products like cars.

Currently, the two main generative AI application cases that are most widely known are text and images. Regarding music, though, what say you? What about newly discovered protein structures? How about chips for computers? With diverse models synthesizing the music played in the chip fabrication plant, we might soon have models that create the chips used to train their successors.

Models: Open Source vs Closed Source#

The term "closed source" describes a paradigm where a code base, or the weights of a generative model, are only accessible to small engineering teams that are working on them. On the other hand, the antipodal philosophy of "open source" holds that the greatest approach to produce secure, high-quality software is to distribute the code widely, allowing hordes of people to discover and correct design problems in it.

This connects in a variety of ways to the larger discussion about generative AI. Releasing model weights is extremely risky if the "doomers" are right when they say that coming AI technologies pose an existential threat. For example, if you developed a model that can provide the right procedures for creating weaponized smallpox, making it publicly available would allow any terrorist in the world to download and utilize it for that purpose.

Conversely, the "accelerationists" respond that the fundamental principles of open-source systems apply to AI just as they do to all other types of software. While there is a chance that some people will utilize freely accessible AI to harm others, there will also be a greater number of minds trying to develop sentinel systems, guardrails, and protections that can frustrate the evil's plans.

Regulation of AI#

Discussions over AI safety took place in scholarly journals and unpopular forums for many years. But all that changed when LLMs became more popular. It was instantly apparent that they would be extremely potent, immoral instruments with the capacity to bring both great good and great harm.

As a result, authorities both domestically and internationally are paying attention to artificial intelligence and considering the kinds of laws that ought to be implemented in reaction.

A manifestation of this tendency was the series of congressional hearings that were held in 2023, during which notable people like as Sam Altman, Gary Marcus, and others testified before the federal government on the potential implications and future of this technology.

The Rise of AI Agents#

We've previously discussed the numerous current initiatives to create artificial intelligence (AI) systems, or agents, that can pursue long-term objectives in challenging settings. Despite all that it is capable of, ChatGPT cannot successfully execute a high-level command such as "run this e-commerce store for me."

However, that can soon alter. Existing generative AI models are being enhanced by systems such as Auto-GPT, AssistGPT, and SuperAGI in an effort to enable them to achieve more ambitious objectives. Currently, agents exhibit a noticeable propensity to become caught in fruitless cycles or to reach a situation from which they are unable to escape alone.However, a few technological advances could be all it takes for us to develop far more powerful agents, at which point they could start to drastically alter the way the world works and how we live.

New Methods for AI#

Most often, when people think of "AI," they picture a deep learning or machine learning system. However, despite their great success, these methods only represent a tiny portion of the numerous ways that intelligent robots could be created. AI with neural symbols is another. It typically blends symbolic reasoning systems鈥攚hich are capable of reasoning through arguments, weighing evidence, and many other tasks associated with thought鈥攚ith neural networks, such the ones that drive LLMs. Given LLMs' well-known propensity to imagine inaccurate or erroneous information, neurosymbolic scaffolding may improve and enhance their abilities.

Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing#

The advent of the next big computational substrate can be seen in quantum computing. Quantum computers can solve problems that even the most powerful supercomputers cannot answer in less than a million years by using quantum phenomena like entanglement and superposition, in contrast to today's "classical" computers, which rely on lightning-fast transistor operations.

It goes without saying that scientists have long been considering the application of quantum computing to artificial intelligence, while its potential applications are yet unknown. Certain types of jobs are particularly well-suited for quantum computers, such as combinatorics, optimization problems, and linear algebra-based tasks. Large amounts of AI work are supported by this last, thus it makes sense that quantum computers will accelerate at least some of it.


It looks like artificial intelligence's Pandora's box has been permanently opened. Large language models are already transforming a wide range of industries, including marketing, customer service, copywriting, and hospitality. In the years to come, this trend is probably going to continue.

The discussion of several of the most significant trends in the AI business for 2024 in this article should help anyone interacting with these technologies get ready for whatever may arise.

How AI will Revolutionize Education


How might artificial intelligence (AI) be applied to education?#

Machines can now comprehend concepts thanks to a new technology called artificial intelligence (AI). AI is always learning and developing, much like people.

AI has the ability to process data dynamically, in contrast to earlier methods. Every industry is adopting AI, and the education sector is no exception.

Edtech tools with AI integration are far more effective than standard ones. Even though a lot of us think that artificial intelligence is limited to modern machines, AI has actually impacted every aspect of our life.

The majority of us use the following AI-powered tools virtually every day:

1. Personalized Ads: AI systems recognize a user's browsing habits and provide pertinent information to them.

2. AI assistants: AI powers the majority of digital assistants, including Jarvis, Siri, and Alexa.

3. Chatbots: Whenever we visit a new website, we usually encounter a friendly chatbot that assists us and engages with us. These chatbots are among the best instances of AI-powered technologies.

With AI advancing so quickly and finding its way into EdTech and education, we can only wonder how else AI in the form of EdTech may be applied to education and learning.

Artificial Intelligence can support improved teaching and learning in many ways.

AI's place in today's classrooms#

The nation's classroom digitization has peaked in recent years, and the federal government is concentrating on converting classrooms to digital platforms.

AI will always be present in virtual classrooms. One application of AI in education is to give pupils individualized learning experiences. AI is able to recognize students' interests and provide interesting content to them, assisting them in pursuing their passions.

In the end, AI has the power to revolutionize education and raise standards for all pupils.

One of the best methods of learning has traditionally been thought to be interactive learning. Chatbots with AI capabilities can communicate with pupils to teach them academic subjects.

Generative AI: A Revolution in Education#

Let us discuss about a new and exciting field called generative artificial intelligence and how schools and universities will be using it extensively. A very intelligent and multifunctional sort of technology is called generative artificial intelligence (AI). It's similar to having a very intelligent and engaging study partner.

Schools can employ generative AI, for instance, to develop interactive quizzes that respond to your inquiries or to produce test questions on the spot. It resembles a game in which you respond to questions posed by the AI. The cool thing is that the AI listens to you while you speak or write your responses and provides you with immediate advice and criticism.

Additionally, you don't just sit there with a bunch of questions in front of you during tests. Alternatively, the AI may present you with an idea or an issue to consider and engage in conversation with you about it. You find the answers on your own, and the AI shows you how well you performed. The finest aspect? It is entirely just. Since the AI is impartial, everyone has an equal opportunity to provide their knowledge.

In summary, the goal of generative AI is to make learning and assessments feel less like a chore and more like a conversation. It's a novel approach to improving student learning while also having fun.

Utilize AI to Define Exam Questions Based on Syllabus#

Exam preparation is being revolutionized by generative AI in education. It provides a distinctive method for writing question papers. Exams using this technology correspond exactly to the curriculum, subject, and particular themes. Teachers can also adjust the degree of difficulty to better fit the evaluation requirements.

Exams that assess not just academic knowledge but also practical understanding and problem-solving abilities can be created thanks to this AI-driven approach. It represents a substantial departure from conventional techniques and encourages a more thorough evaluation of students' abilities.

Artificial Intelligence: Your Helper in Education#

The freedom from subject matter specialists provided by generative AI is one of the main advantages of adopting it for exam preparation. AI intervenes to save time and resources even though their insights are priceless. Teachers can now quickly create test questions without having to constantly consult specialists. Not only does this automation save time, but it also enhances the accuracy and personalization of exam creation.

Educator and Student Empowerment#

When it comes to test preparation, generative AI is more than just a tool鈥攊t's revolutionary. It gives teachers the tools they need to design more interesting, useful, and successful tests. It means that students will have to take tests that accurately represent their knowledge and abilities. This artificial intelligence program is a first step toward a learning assessment procedure that is more effective, perceptive, and customized.

Employ AI as a supplement, not as a substitute.#

The use of AI in education raises some people's concerns. One concern is that AI might eventually take the place of teachers completely. The possibility that AI would never fully comprehend or be able to mimic human learning is another cause for concern.

On the other hand, some think that rather than taking the role of teachers, artificial intelligence might be used to improve and augment their work.

The only reason artificial intelligence (AI) products on the market have demonstrated effectiveness in student learning and education is when a teacher uses them with ease.

Furthermore, AI has demonstrated how education and learning possibilities have become far more equitable and fair for all students, regardless of any challenges they may have had to overcome, including distance learning students with disabilities.

All areas of education have benefited from AI's assistance in closing this knowledge gap and removing learning obstacles.

AI-powered auto-descriptive response evaluation#

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made it possible to perform a lot of laborious activities faster and more efficiently.

Examining answer sheets for errors is one of these tasks. The auto-evaluation of the answer sheets is possible with AI.

An AI tool assesses the descriptive response fast and gives evaluators a reference point to double-check the response. This lowers the likelihood of errors and significantly expedites the paper-grading process.

AI-driven Online Proctoring#

AI has numerous advantages for classrooms, but it may also be utilized to assist with remote exam invigilation.

With the aid of AI proctoring, you may administer online tests to students at the convenient time and on their own schedule. Exams can be taken by students even if they are unable to travel to a testing facility thanks to this excellent method.

Exam administration can be made more secure and equitable with the use of AI proctoring. You may assist your students in having a successful and positive assessment experience by utilizing AI proctoring.


Without a question, one of the most revolutionary technologies that has changed the world is artificial intelligence. AI utilization will undoubtedly hit an all-time high in the following year.

As demonstrated previously, artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to automatically grade tests or to direct the marking of answer sheets with explanations. To increase efficiency, it can also be utilized in classes.

AI technologies have the potential to save time while also increasing the efficiency and speed of work and marking. They can also guide teachers in this regard.

In learning and education, AI has simultaneously begun to become the standard and a trend. It has simply demonstrated the improvements and increased efficiency that it can provide and will continue to bring about.

A new approach to Mental Health - How AI helps therapists to overcome burnout



To put it mildly, the past few years have been particularly stressful for the US and the rest of the world. The need for therapy is growing as more people鈥攅specially young people鈥攕truggle with mental health problems. Therapists are overworked as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent loneliness epidemic. The mental health sector is severely understaffed, which further reduces access to care.

To fill in the gaps, direct-to-consumer (DTC) teletherapy providers like BetterHelp and Talkspace have arisen. Although this change has provided solutions for some issues, it has also presented therapists with new difficulties. Providers have had to learn how to conduct virtual sessions, access new patient portals, and adjust to new tools, as detailed in a May 2024 Data & Society paper.According to the survey, a lot of therapists feel that their labor is being exploited by the platforms, which organize it like gig employment.

Therapists require assistance as well, even though the goal of these DTC choices is to assist consumers. According to a 2023 American Psychological Association (APA) study, 46% of psychologists said they were unable to satisfy demand in 2022 (up 16% from 2020) and 45% said they felt burned out as a result of the increased workload during the epidemic.

Making notes and keeping records#

More than merely leading sessions, a therapist's daily tasks include scheduling, organizing, and keeping track of their patients' electronic health records (EHR). According to several therapists, one of the most difficult aspects of their work is maintaining EHRs.

Many AI solutions for therapists are designed to relieve overworked clinicians of administrative tasks, much as the majority of AI applications for business and productivity. A number of tools employ AI to evaluate patient data and assist therapists in identifying subtle differences in a patient's progress or mental health.

AI notetakers that comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) can be useful in this situation. One such application is called Upheal, which can be used on a mobile device or therapist's browser to listen in on in-person or virtual sessions via Zoom or other platforms. For solitary or couple sessions, providers can choose from templates, and Upheal will take session notes in the proper manner. The notes can be transferred into the therapist's current EHR platform after the provider reviews and approves them.

Administrative assistance#

The benefits of therapy extend beyond dynamic sessions. AI technologies can support patients' growth in between sessions, freeing up therapists to engage in more in-depth one-on-one work. Conversational AI chatbots, such as Wysa and Woebot, employ psychological research to offer homework assignments and on-demand mental health care to their users. Their on-demand nature means that they are meant to either precede or complement provider-based care. They may theoretically reduce the volume of therapy session requests for therapists, much like triage.

Woebot is a messaging software that is available to individuals who are already receiving assistance from a therapist. It use cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques to interact with and address any topic that a user want to talk about. The whole Woebot Health platform is intended for physicians; in addition to gathering patient-reported data, it assists therapists in formulating treatment strategies.

Receiving patients#

AI solutions have the potential to free up therapists' time and energy. But what response do patients give them?

Patients must give written approval under HIPAA in order for Upheal or similar products to record their sessions. The majority of Morogiello's clients, she claims, had concerns at first but become at ease when they learn that she employs Upheal.

She adds, "Otherwise, Upheal blends into her virtual sessions and looks like any other standard video conferencing interface. Sometimes we'll make jokes about it in session."

According to Morogiello, "I think most people have a lot of mixed reactions when they think about AI." Although her clients trust her to solely utilize HIPAA-compliant technologies with them, she says their main concern was data security. Counselor: I expect clients with disorders like OCD or paranoia to be a little hesitant at first, as some of her more well-known clients did. But all in all, people seem to like Upheal.

Therapist-made AI tools#

A psychologist in New York City named Clay Cockrell is developing an AI tool for couples considering therapy. The model he is developing can offer comments and guidance that are structured similarly to what he already does. "A large portion of my work in marital counseling is coaching-oriented; I give homework on how to increase intimacy and teach communication skills. It's not so much the inner work, "he says, alluding to the more in-depth contemplation that patients frequently engage in with a therapist.

Although not applicable to all forms of couples therapy, Clay's method is amenable to automation by artificial intelligence. Condensing that into a model can help him attract some of his potential customers.

With regards to his tool鈥攚hich is not yet in beta鈥擟lay states that he views it more as an on-ramp to in-person couples therapy. When couples feel more at ease with the concept, he believes it will encourage them to pursue more intensive counseling. "Perhaps this would lead you to say, 'We've gotten so far with this, now, maybe we need to move into in-person or live therapy situation."

Drawbacks and obstacles#

Even with proven advantages, no AI technology is perfect all the time. The therapists acknowledged the limitations of the instruments they utilize, but they also had few concerns about them. Perhaps the biggest shortcoming of AI currently is that it lacks context, which also makes it unlikely that it will replace most jobs in the near future.

For instance, during a session with one of Morogiello's patients, Upheal wrote down the client's son inadvertently, thinking it to be their spouse. After review, Morogiello was able to fix it and report it to Upheal, which allows users to give comments to enhance its model.

AI's propensity to act on recommendations and counsel more quickly than a therapist might be another flaw. This makes sense, of course, as popular large language models (LLMs) have traditionally been designed to serve as search engines, issue solvers, and command-taking personal assistants. Cockrell has had to concentrate his tool on teaching people how to be curious in order to fix this.


In the event that therapy is being accessed in a way that is more appropriate for the digital age, then therapist-specific tools must also change. Even tiny support networks can greatly enhance mental health professionals who might otherwise run the danger of burning out.

Five - AI trends in Ecommerce Industry



What is that?

Is artificial intelligence (AI) not going to replace humans in the workforce? Isn't it smarter than humans? And Skynet will not attempt to subjugate humanity, entrusting John Connor with the future of our species?

Dang. Then, we might as well consider how to deal with it, especially in e-commerce.

In actuality, technology is already having a significant influence, whether it is in the form of better demand forecasting for businesses or customer experience-enhancing product recommendations.

And the impact is just going to get bigger for the rest of 2024. These are the top 5 trends you should investigate to outperform your rivals.

1. The era of Low-code and no-code AI#

In case you are unaware of the "democratization" of technology, let me give you the lowdown:

When a new technology is developed, it is initially exclusive to the technical sector. For instance, in the late 1930s, the US Navy deployed the first digital computers on board its submarines.

It took more than 30 years to democratize that technology, or to make it accessible to the average person. Personal computers were first made widely available in 1974.

AI has experienced the same thing. However, low-code/no-code systems are intended to open it.

They achieve this by enabling developers and even non-techies to design their own AI systems through the use of straightforward interfaces.

2. Forecasting demands#

It may seem easy to estimate how much material you'll need, but it's not.

Furthermore, making a mistake can have disastrous effects on many kinds of enterprises. Let's take an example where one item from your store costs $50. You place an order for 1,000 units, but you only sell 500. That is dead stock worth $25,000.

Do not fret. AI-powered demand forecasting can be beneficial to you.

It will help you anticipate the stock you need better because it will provide you a far better understanding of the market factors that may affect the buying path of your audience.

You can then reinvest the additional money in your account to build your business more quickly.

3. Recommender systems#

Have you ever wondered why, when you're shopping for a new hairdryer, Amazon doesn't advise you to purchase a kazoo?

The reason behind this is that AI uses big data to identify the purpose of your search and compiles similar users' purchasing decisions. Thus, in addition to a comb and styling lotion, you could also desire a hairdryer.

You may gain from this by putting in place a recommender system in your e-commerce business, which will raise both the average order value and the quantity of products you sell.

In the meantime, your clients enjoy a smoother user experience, which increases client retention.

4. Autonomous product tagging#

You've put up your online store's website or developed an app. I take it that you're ready to kick back?


Your clients may not be able to find everything on your website, even if you are aware of it. especially if you haven't added any tags to any of your products.

However, the hassle of carrying out this task by hand is simply intolerable. Fortunately, AI can be useful.

You may organize your product catalogues more effectively and facilitate site searches with automatic product labeling.

5. Augmented reality#

Augmented reality (AR) is too enormous to ignore, even though it's not strictly AI. particularly for the e-commerce industry.

This is due to its ability to support clients in making wiser selections.

Assume you are a furniture vendor. Once a buyer visits your actual business, they can be persuaded that the sofas you sell are cozy. They still haven't decided whether to get it in green or blue, though, so they're not ready to buy.

AR would assist people overcome this obstacle by allowing them to see how the sofa would appear in their living room and aiding in decision-making.

Numerous things, such as apparel, accessories, makeup, and more, could go through the same procedure.

Finally, though


One thing is certain:

Regardless of how you apply AI to your e-commerce firm, it will improve consumer satisfaction, save you time, and boost your earnings. Plus, starting doesn't require you to be an expert in technology.

Therefore, there's no reason why it shouldn't be put into practice before the end of the year.

Three typical obstacles to the use of AI and solutions



There is increasing agreement that corporations must use AI. In addition, Deloitte's "State of AI in the Enterprise" research revealed that 94% of questioned CEOs "agree that AI will transform their industry over the next five years." McKinsey predicted that generative AI could add between $2.6 and $4.4 trillion in value annually. The technology is here, it's strong, and every day, creative types discover new applications for it.

However, despite AI's strategic significance, many businesses are finding it difficult to advance their AI initiatives. In fact, Deloitte calculated in that same survey that 74% of businesses weren't getting enough value out of their AI investments.

What, then, is preventing businesses from realizing the potential of AI? Although there are many obstacles to the widespread use of AI, these 3 are typically the most prevalent reasons to worry, in our experience. These are the obstacles to overcome, and the best way to get the most out of the technology is to use automation as the "muscle" that lets you operationalize the "brain" of artificial intelligence.

1. Absence of a strategy for maximizing AI's potential#

Executives have seen countless headlines in recent years praising AI's revolutionary potential. The majority acknowledge that their companies must use AI, but they don't have a clear plan in place for rapidly obtaining measurable benefits from it. In a recent McKinsey poll, a sizable fraction of participants (39%) indicated that the major obstacles to realizing the benefits of AI were related to strategy, adoption, and scalability challenges.

Selecting the most beneficial and revolutionary AI use cases to concentrate on is an essential initial step, even though developing an AI strategy and roadmap involves many other factors as well. Many businesses run into trouble in this area because they don't have enough detailed knowledge of the processes to even begin to evaluate them, much less calculate the possible advantages of integrating AI at pivotal points in the processes.

Here are a few strategies for utilizing process discovery:

Process Mining

Process Mining examines the digital traces that your company's software creates in order to comprehend your business processes from beginning to end. It then determines which stages of the workflow AI can most effectively contribute to by using these footprints to build a comprehensive process map.

Consider a package being delivered after an order has been placed. Its journey involves a number of apps, including inventory management software and an online ordering system. Process mining could reveal that downstream shipping delays are primarily caused by slow inventory updates, a problem that generative AI and automation can solve.

Task Mining

Task Mining looks at what workers do on their desktops to identify areas where a certain activity might be improved. Task mining is the process of identifying bottlenecks and other inefficiencies by collecting all the variations of a task and combining them into an extensive task graph.

For example, we have examined the many methods that UiPath employees complete expenditure reports using UiPath Task Mining. Redundancies and bottlenecks were highlighted in the process map created by Task Mining. We were able to use automation to handle these problems after determining their location.

Communications Mining

Large language models (LLMs), one type of potent AI used in Communications Mining, are used to process and comprehend unstructured data found in a variety of sources, including emails, Slack chats, tickets, customer call transcripts, and more. For example, this data can be utilized to examine customer operations, better understand customers and their demands, and identify potential for high-return use cases. Then, business executives may utilize these insights to decide where to implement AI with confidence.

With the help of these process discovery capabilities, businesses can use AI with confidence, since they provide a targeted set of use cases that yield quick returns. All enterprises, regardless of level of AI knowledge, can benefit from these tools; more experienced businesses can use them to further their automation and AI initiatives, while newer ones can use them to find low-hanging fruit.

2. Inadequate knowledge and experience with AI#

A large number of executives are concerned about an enterprise-wide implementation due to a lack of in-house AI competence. Indeed, IBM's Global AI Adoption Index 2023 listed it as the most often mentioned obstacle. Additionally, according to a survey by Bain & Company, more than half of the participants cited a "lack of internal expertise or knowledge" as the biggest obstacle to the adoption of artificial intelligence.

Thankfully, most businesses can reap the benefits of AI without investing in expensive AI experts. Your staff can use, train, and fine-tune strong AI models themselves with the help of low- and no-code solutions, which will help you close the skills gap and get results straight away.

The ubiquity and effect of intelligent document processing (IDP) make it stand out among the many value-adding applications for no-code GenAI solutions. Efficiently extracting valuable information from millions of unstructured documents is a significant advantage in businesses such as insurance.

3. Issues with security, privacy, and trust#

Many business executives have voiced reservations about entrusting these systems with sensitive data ever since ChatGPT's debut opened their eyes to the potential of AI. This year, AI governance has been a hive of activity, and in 2024, that will not change. According to Salesforce statistics, almost 50% of executives think that an absence of AI risk management can have a detrimental effect on corporate trust.

Fostering security and privacy for data

The UiPath AI Trust Layer protects personally identifiable information (PII) while it's in transit and at rest by using cutting-edge encryption. Unauthorized access and usage are also prevented via sensitive data screening.

Comprehensive governance and control of AI

Strong GenAI controls are another feature of the AI Trust Layer that guarantees models are created and utilized in accordance with business guidelines and moral principles. This enables businesses to prevent unlawful AI model training from using their confidential data.

Open processes and user authority

In order to foster trust and operational integrity, the AI Trust Layer will provide leaders with complete transparency on their AI usage, data exchanges, and costs. Leaders obtain a comprehensive understanding of how GenAI models are operating within their firms through dashboard audits and expense controls.

It is reasonable for organizations to be wary of entrusting AI models with their confidential information. You should only employ AI-enabled solutions with strong safeguards based on the concepts of trust, transparency, and control to ensure that you aren't jeopardizing privacy or security.


While these obstacles are substantial, the danger of postponing the deployment of AI is even greater. Every day, early adopters are increasing their advantage over competitors by discovering new applications for AI.

While there is much work to be done in order to get your company ready for this new era, there are also many benefits and benefits to be gained from adopting AI. Automation can greatly assist you in making rapid progress toward realizing the benefits of AI throughout your company.

Recognizing AI Fraud - Safe Online Conduct



Along with technological improvements, the digital age has brought in a new wave of sophisticated frauds, many of which are driven by artificial intelligence (AI). In a world where interacting with intelligent systems is becoming more and more prevalent, knowing how to recognize AI frauds is essential to ensuring online safety. Artificial intelligence (AI) scams are fraudulent actions that use natural language processing, machine learning, and other AI technologies to trick people and organizations. Because these schemes use massive volumes of data to automate deceptive behaviors and personalize attacks at scale, they can be very persuasive and less effective than classic scam identification techniques.

The distinction between authentic online interactions and AI-driven fraud becomes increasingly hazy as AI systems get better at comprehending human behavior and simulating real-world interactions. Scammers can now produce more convincing phishing emails, deepfake movies and audio recordings that seem real, and have real-time conversations with chatbots that are programmed to manipulate or collect sensitive data thanks to this expertise. Being alert, being aware of AI's potential, and being aware of the telltale indications of a scam are all essential to being secure in this ever-changing environment.

The Evolution of Internet Fraud#

Online frauds have changed dramatically over the years, moving from straightforward bogus emails to intricate, hard-to-discover schemes. Scammers used bulk email campaigns in the early days of the internet in the hopes of reaching a few unsuspecting subscribers. But since AI has been around, these con games have evolved to be more complex and individualized, focusing on the interests, concerns, and online behaviors of their victims. Large-scale datasets are analyzed by AI algorithms to find possible targets and improve scamming techniques, making the frauds more successful and difficult to spot.

The Application of AI in Scams#

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being utilized in scams to automate complicated processes that would normally require human intelligence, like creating synthetic media or developing persuasive social engineering tactics. For example, valid user behavior data sets can be used to train machine learning models to generate profiles that closely resemble actual customers, resulting in extremely successful impersonation schemes. Additionally, fraudsters can use AI to analyze vast amounts of data and find patterns that point to a person's susceptibility to particular kinds of scams, enabling them to target their targets with frightening accuracy.

The Mentality Underpinning AI Frauds#

AI scams take advantage of psychological concepts to influence people's feelings and choices. Scammers create scenarios that elicit strong emotions like fear, urgency, or empathy by using AI to detect people's biases and vulnerabilities. To identify the best time of day to send a phishing email, for instance, an AI system might examine a user's online activity. This would ensure that the receiver is more likely to be preoccupied and less skeptical of the material being given. Furthermore, AI is capable of creating incredibly realistic scenarios that play on a person's interests or concerns, strengthening the scam's persuasiveness and raising the possibility that it will be successful.

Recognizing AI Fraud: Warning Signs & Red Flags#

It takes a sharp eye and knowledge of the various clues that indicate fraudulent conduct to spot AI scams. The existence of unwanted communications requesting financial information, personal information, or quick action is one big warning flag. Approaching any message with suspicion is important, even if it seems to be from a reliable source. The degree of personalization in the correspondence is another red flag; AI scams frequently contain particulars that look authentic but could really be taken from previously released data or publicly accessible sources.

The Best Ways to Check Online Information#

Ensuring the legitimacy of internet content is crucial in the battle against artificial intelligence scams. A multifaceted strategy that includes cross-referencing data from several platforms, verifying sources twice before acting, and utilizing trusted verification tools are examples of best practices. Visiting legitimate websites on your own is recommended instead than clicking on links in emails or texts, as they could take you to phony websites created by con artists that look real. Verifying the authenticity of a dubious communication can also be accomplished by getting in touch with the supposed source directly via official means.

Safeguarding Your Individual Data#

Safeguarding personal data online is similar to protecting money; it requires focus, effort, and the application of strong security measures. People need to take the initiative to manage their digital footprint, which includes exercising caution when sharing personal information on social media and other websites. AI systems can combine personal information to build profiles, which con artists use to launch focused assaults. People should enable two-factor authentication wherever it is feasible and use strong, distinct passwords for each account they have in order to better protect themselves from this.

Software and Security Tools to Stop AI Scams#

Using state-of-the-art security technologies and software is not only advantageous but crucial in the arms race against AI scams. These solutions search for and eliminate dangers that conventional antivirus applications might miss using sophisticated algorithms and heuristics. AI-powered security tools, for instance, are able to detect irregularities in network traffic patterns that point to an ongoing fraud or breach, thereby foiling con artists. The sophistication of email filtering software has also increased. By utilizing AI to examine message metadata and content for indications of fraud, this software can now identify phishing efforts.

Rules of Law and Reporting Procedures#

The regulatory environment pertaining to artificial intelligence and cybersecurity is always evolving to meet the issues presented by AI schemes. The limits and restrictions imposed by legislation, such as data protection laws and regulations limiting the use of AI in commercial activities, are designed to prevent misuse. However, enforcement and jurisdiction face substantial hurdles due to the global nature of AI schemes. Since scammers frequently operate from nations with lax cybersecurity regulations, taking advantage of global connectivity, cross-border cooperation is essential. Legal frameworks must strike a balance between privacy and innovation to allow AI to continue developing while shielding users from improper use of the technology. Furthermore, reporting systems are essential for disseminating information about scams to institutions and individuals alike.

Remaining Informed: Communities and Resources#

Online risks are constantly changing, with new AI schemes appearing as technology advances. Maintaining online safety requires being up to date on the most recent trends and risks. Government advisories, cybersecurity news sites, industry papers, and other resources are a good place to start for information on the latest frauds as well as preventative tactics. By using these resources, users can gain the knowledge necessary to recognize and steer clear of possible scams.

Creating a Mindset for Safe Online Behavior#

The establishment of a mentality that places caution and informed behavior first is the cornerstone of online safety in the age of AI frauds. Users must be taught to think critically about the material they come across online and the security of their digital interactions through an ongoing educational process. A mindset that promotes safe online conduct entails practices including changing passwords on a regular basis, sharing personal information with caution, and appreciating the importance of one's digital identity.

Getting Ready for the Future: AI Scam Trends#

It seems obvious that AI scams will only get more complex and common in the future. A proactive approach to cybersecurity is required since the potential for misuse of AI technology grows as it becomes more sophisticated. AI systems that can instantly adjust to protective measures could be a trend in the future, making it more difficult to identify and stop scams. Furthermore, the attack surface for AI scams will grow as more devices are connected to the Internet of Things (IoT), offering more chances for exploitation.


Effective enforcement and international cooperation are essential for online safety in the face of AI schemes that are always changing. Key tactics include educating yourself through communities and resources, forming a safe online conduct mentality, and getting ready for any dangers. In addition to cautious personal habits, regular education and an organization-wide security-first culture are the first lines of defense against fraud driven by artificial intelligence. Investing in adaptive AI security solutions and policy development is vital to prevent and mitigate the growing complexity of AI frauds.

How users need computing power to benefit from AI



Today's IT workers are interested in generative AI and its possible advantages, but obtaining the required processing power is one of their main obstacles. Microsoft recently conducted a study in which it polled over 2,000 IT experts in ten different countries regarding their adoption and tech preparedness for AI. The research, which is currently accessible to assist in guiding your company's AI strategy, illustrates their worries and difficulties encountered along the route.

Leverage the use of AI Adoption#

With 79% of professionals utilizing AI multiple times a week, IT professionals are leading the way in its adoption and application. They are certain that AI will benefit their business and function, simplify their work, and allow them to be more strategically minded. The good vibes extend to both personal and professional domains.

Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace#

A survey of IT experts revealed that 68% of them had already used AI in their job, demonstrating how eager the industry is to adopt this cutting-edge technology. This widespread use of AI is more than simply a fad; it's a reflection of the strategic value placed on the technology as a means of boosting output, spurring innovation, and preserving competitive advantage in a digital economy that is changing quickly.

AI in daily life#

With 66% of respondents integrating AI into their daily routines, the impact of AI is not limited to the workplace. This personal use of AI highlights the technology's adaptability and ability to enhance productivity and decision-making across a range of domains. It demonstrates that individuals are not being sucked into the newest IT fad and are eager to discover new applications outside of the workplace to boost their own productivity.

Re-evaluating their needs for their tech stack#

Numerous facets of cloud computing are already shifting due to the development of AI. When it comes to their long-term cloud strategy, even businesses that got their start on the cloud have questions. Even if AI is altering the way that IT professionals see the cloud, they are more and more pointing out that the infrastructure they support needs to be modified. According to 72% of respondents, AI will significantly alter their tech stacks.

Proactively addressing uncertainties and changes that effect cloud computing is essential, especially with the incorporation of AI and a shifting tech stack. This entails managing the changing skill requirements for AI-driven jobs, adjusting to new security paradigms, and maximizing cloud resources in the face of constantly shifting workload patterns. IT workers will also need to make sure that they are in compliance with new laws in order to successfully negotiate the changing environment of cloud services that are optimized for AI.

Increasing the trust in AI#

IT workers are dealing with a range of feelings and concerns about the future as the industry quickly changes as a result of AI's inclusion. While most people are optimistic about AI's ability to boost creativity and productivity, IT professionals are also aware of the rapid progress of technology and the skills needed to use it.

IT workers are assured of their abilities and the benefits AI can have for their positions and companies. AI is either installed or in the pilot stage within the organizations of a noteworthy 78% of IT professionals questioned, demonstrating a strong trend towards the adoption of AI technologies. But this quick adoption also raises new issues and concerns about the cost, governance, and rate of advancement of AI.

Seeking greater security, privacy, and accuracy from AI models#

When choosing a technology partner, IT workers are putting security, privacy, and accuracy of AI models first. The highest ranking factors are accuracy of AI models, a solid reputation as a pioneer in technology, and a dedication to privacy and security.

As always, accuracy is the key to success.#

The march towards the integration of AI in IT is characterized by a rigorous pursuit of accuracy and a barrier of security and privacy. The highest level of AI model correctness can be guaranteed and the use of AI can be accelerated through alliances with the proper partners. Since accuracy serves as the cornerstone for dependable and successful AI solutions, it is crucial. Using partners can fill in some of the gaps and speed up the process for companies looking to integrate AI as soon as possible without compromising quality, since IT personnel continue to struggle with skilling up in a shorter amount of time.

A dedication to security and privacy#

IT workers expect a strong dedication to security and privacy above everything else. A crucial factor is a technology partner's capacity to safeguard sensitive data in an age where data breaches are all too regular. Strong security controls are not simply a feature, but a requirement for IT workers to ensure that AI solutions improve operations rather than put them in jeopardy.


To effectively profit from AI, many firms will need to make major infrastructure and technology improvements. You may observe firsthand how to construct infrastructure that has the processing power required to support all of your workloads and AI solutions, regardless of whether you're a CEO, developer, end user, or someone who works closely with the infrastructure.

7 Essential steps to master Large Language Models (LLMs)



Today's interactions with technology are being transformed by LLMs. These artificial intelligence programs can understand and mimic spoken language. They can be used in a variety of contexts, including data analysis, customer support, and content production. But it could seem difficult to know how to use them, especially for beginners. The seven crucial steps to mastering huge language models are outlined in this blog for readers to follow.

Additionally, this post attempts to offer a comprehensive guide for studying LLMs by outlining seven essential phases. By breaking down the process into simple steps, even beginners may understand and effectively utilize the power of LLMs. After reading this blog, you will understand the basics and be able to modify and evaluate models, which will enable them to employ LLMs for a range of applications.


  • Recognize the foundations and potential of large language models.

  • Become knowledgeable about the many LLM types and their uses.

  • Create a development environment that allows you to access pre-trained models and work with LLMs.

  • Stress how crucial data preparation is to getting precise and trustworthy findings.

  • Discover how to optimize LLMs for particular jobs to boost output.

  • Analyze model outputs and analyze findings to determine relevance and correctness.

  • To remain ahead of developing technologies, LLM implementations should be improved and iterated continuously.

1. Learning the Basics of Large Language Models (LLMs)

It is crucial that someone who wishes to study LLMs in-depth first grasps their basic definition. These models are able to identify patterns, comprehend context, and respond in a manner similar to that of a human since they have been trained on enormous amounts of text data. Furthermore, if properly calibrated, these models can also specialize in certain tasks like paragraph summary and language translation.

2. Become Acquainted with Different LLM Types

There are several different types of LLMs, each with special features and functionalities. For example, Google developed BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), OpenAI offers GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3), and Google's AI department built T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer). As a result, not all models function in the same way since, depending on the task at hand, they each have advantages and disadvantages. As a result, further research is required before making any conclusions.

3. Configure the environment for development.

You need an appropriate development environment in order to work with LLMs. This could entail setting up cloud services, installing necessary libraries and frameworks, or gaining access to models that have already been trained. Simple-to-use Software Development Kits (SDKs) and APIs are provided by numerous LLM providers, making integration easier.

4. Recognize the Value of Data Preparation

The caliber of the training data determines how well LLMs perform. For this reason, if you want accurate and trustworthy findings, you must thoroughly clean and prepare your dataset before using them. Examples of text pre-processing include removing sensitive or unnecessary information and structuring the text so that the LLM can understand it.

5. Adjust the LLM to Your Particular Task

Pre-trained language models are incredibly versatile, but they still require assistance with specialization. A smaller dataset that is linked to the larger dataset can be used to fine-tune LLMs, which will help the system better comprehend the unique characteristics of your case and perform with more accuracy.

6. Assess and Interpret Findings

It's time to see the results of feeding your data into the optimized LLM. This means that you should evaluate the text's fit to established facts, logical chain formation (coherence), and topic relevance (relevance). Additionally, be prepared to identify any biases or output restrictions that the model may have introduced.

7. Iterate Frequently and Keep Improving

LLMs are always evolving; new models and techniques are sometimes introduced that are said to outperform their predecessors. In light of these facts, you need to stay ahead of the competition by constantly seeking out new and improved ways to apply your LLM.


Technology is changing because large language models are making it possible to comprehend text like a human. By following these seven essential steps, which cover everything from understanding different models to increasing efficiency, anyone can learn LLMs. As LLM technology advances, being aware of these procedures can help you seize new opportunities and promote innovation in a variety of businesses. We looked at seven crucial steps to mastering large language models in this blog.

How to Be Successful in the Age of AI



Artificial intelligence (AI), in today's quickly changing digital environment, is revolutionizing the workplace at a rate never seen before. Unquestionably, AI has the ability to increase productivity and automate processes, but it also raises concerns about job security, especially for white-collar professionals. Nonetheless, workers should take proactive measures to stay relevant and valuable in their careers rather than seeing AI as a danger. Here's how to do it:

Accept Lifelong Learning

Continuous learning is essential to remaining relevant in the AI era. Professionals need to make a commitment to developing new skills and keeping up with emerging technologies. This includes:

1. Upskilling: Improve your current abilities by picking up new tools and technology relevant to your line of work.

2. Reskilling: Learning completely new, in-demand skills, like coding, machine learning, or data analysis, is known as reskilling.

3. Certificates and Courses: To show that you are knowledgeable about cutting-edge fields, sign up for online courses and earn certificates.

Become knowledgeable about AI

Comprehending artificial intelligence and its uses is vital. Although you don't have to become a data scientist to effectively use AI, it will help you if you have a basic understanding of the technology. This comprises:

1. Basic AI Concepts: Learn the fundamentals of artificial intelligence, including machine learning, robotics, and natural language processing.

2. Useful Applications: Recognize the ways in which artificial intelligence (AI) might enhance productivity, judgment, and creativity within your sector.

3. Ethical Considerations: To support responsible AI use, educate yourself on the ethical ramifications of AI, including data privacy and bias.

Put Human-Centric Skills First

Even though AI is very good at processing data and automating jobs, some skills are specific to humans and will never be replaced. Develop these abilities to set yourself apart:

1. The intelligence of emotion: Develop your empathy, strong interpersonal skills, and relationship management abilities.

2. Innovative Thought: Develop your capacity for original thought and creative idea generation.

3. Management and Leadership: Develop your leadership skills to manage groups and spearhead important projects.

Use AI as a Tool for Augmentation

Instead of being afraid of AI, embrace it to improve your skills. This implies:

1. Effectiveness: By automating monotonous activities with AI tools, you can free up time for more strategic and difficult work.

2. Data-Informed Choices: Use AI to evaluate data and obtain knowledge that can help you make wiser decisions.

3. Increased Output: To increase productivity and optimize workflows, integrate AI solutions.

Develop a Growth Mentality

Having a growth mentality is crucial for overcoming obstacles and adjusting to change. This includes:

1. Adaptability Accept change and see obstacles as chances to improve and learn.

2. Flexibility: Be adaptable and receptive to any new duties or positions that AI advancements may offer.

3. Being proactive: Show initiative in seeking out and seizing fresh opportunities to advance your career.

4. Connect and Work Together

Developing a strong professional network can lead to new possibilities, knowledge exchange, and support. Pay attention to:

5. Expert Organizations: To stay in touch with colleagues and industry trends, join associations and groups in your field.

6. Mentoring: Look for mentors who can offer advice and share their experiences adjusting to changes in technology.

7. Working together: To get the greatest results, collaborate with AI systems and other team members.

Ten Next Steps to Succeeding in the AI-Powered Office

It is essential for professionals to have a well-defined and feasible plan in order to ensure their position in the AI-driven future. Here's a recommended overview of ten things you can do to advance and succeed:

1. Perform a Skills Audit Goal:

Objective: Determine the gaps in your present skill set.

Take Action: Enumerate your primary proficiencies and juxtapose them with the abilities that are sought for in your sector. Assess your level of expertise in important areas with the use of online resources or expert services.

2. Establish Learning Goals:

Objective: Make sure your learning objectives are specific, attainable goals.

Take Action: Determine the new skills you need to learn or develop based on the results of your skills assessment. Establish quantifiable, precise objectives, like finishing a data analysis course in six months.

3. Register for Related Courses

Objective: Acquire new skills and credentials.

Take action: Look into and sign up for online workshops or courses that complement your learning objectives. AI, machine learning, and other related topics are covered in courses offered on platforms such as Coursera, edX, and LinkedIn Learning.

4. Acquire Real-World Experience

Objective: Use newly acquired abilities in practical situations.

Take Action: Seek volunteer or in-job opportunities where you can contribute to AI-related projects. Join online communities or take part in hackathons to get practice and improve your skills.

5. Strengthen Your Digital Literacy Goal:

Objective: Gain expertise with digital tools and platforms.

Take action: Become acquainted with the AI hardware and applications utilized by your sector. Learn how to utilize these tools efficiently and incorporate them into your workflow by attending tutorials.

6. Acquire Soft Skills

Objective: To fortify inherently human abilities.

Take action: Put your best effort into enhancing your leadership, communication, and emotional intelligence. Participate in workshops or look for mentorship to improve these skills.

7. Network Actively Goal:

Objective: Establish a strong network of business contacts.

Take action: By engaging in online forums, attending conferences, and joining industry associations. Interact with mentors, thought leaders, and peers to share ideas and remain current with market trends.

8. Keep Up With AI Developments Goal:

Objective: Follow the path of technical progress.

Take action: Attend webinars and seminars, subscribe to periodicals and publications that are pertinent to AI, and keep up with AI news. Examine journals, industry reports, and research papers with an AI concentration on a regular basis.

9. Use AI Resources in Your Work

Objective: The goal is to increase productivity by integrating AI.

Take action: Look for AI products that can help you automate regular work chores. Try out these tools to see what they can do and how they can improve the productivity of your work.

10. Make a plan for your own growth.

Objective: Continue to pursue your professional development in an organized manner.

Take Action: Create a thorough personal development plan (PDP) that includes your learning objectives, schedules, and recommended courses of action.


You may proactively position yourself for success in an AI-driven world by adhering to these ten steps. Every phase is intended to assist you in developing and honing the abilities, know-how, and connections required to prosper in the face of technology developments and remain relevant. Recall that the secret to succeeding in this new period is to be open to change, to lifelong learning, and to using AI as a tool to enhance your abilities.